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What’s More Important? Reach or Frequency?

Frank Gussoni

In advertising terms, reach refers to the approximate number of people who will be exposed to a certain ad campaign. This is an important metric because it provides the potential number of people that will see an ad and have an opportunity to see or hear your message. Advertisers always want to reach as many people as possible in their target audience, as this increases the probability that the message will be seen and retained or remembered.

Frequency refers to the number of times a targeted person will have the opportunity to see an ad. The more often a person sees an ad, the better the odds are that they will remember it. Frequency is an important number because it helps advertisers know that their message could be seen enough times to have a memorable impact.

When you’re planning a media campaign, it is extremely important to focus on both reach and frequency. If you try to plan a campaign that reaches a lot of people only a couple of times, it may not be effective. And if you plan a campaign that only reaches a small group too many times, it’s probably just a waste of your money. The best thing advertisers can do is plan for a high reach and high frequency, as this maximizes the possibility of the campaign having the desired impact on the target audience.

Always have clear, achievable, objectives set, prior to planning any media campaign. This will help to determine the optimal reach and frequency needed.

The first step in determining the appropriate reach and frequency of your campaign is to know your target audience. Understanding the demographics and characteristics of the audience you want to impact with your message is most important in determining the reach and frequency of your ad campaign. Once you have defined your target audience, you can use the information to pursue the message you want to deliver and the media outlets that will be most effective in delivering your message to this audience.

Don’t pre-determine the mediums you want to use. Do the research to find out the reach and frequency and the cost-effectiveness of the different media vehicles and select the ones that your audience best engages with, and the ones you can afford. You need to make informed decisions before you set a campaign in motion. Once a campaign is launched, monitoring and optimizing the reach and frequency metrics throughout the duration of the campaign will help to determine its impact and effectiveness.

Reach and frequency are two of the most important measurements in media planning and buying. They are critical in determining the effectiveness of a media campaign and you need the right combination of both for your campaign to be a success. Understanding the significance of reach and frequency can help marketers and advertisers make better decisions, regarding the allotment of their media budgets and in achieving the goals and objectives set for their campaigns.



President & Founder of A3 media.

We’re Type A. We transform media from an expense into a smart investment.

Frank’s Take provides uncommon sense media buying advice for regional and mid-market businesses.

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President & Founder of A3 media. We’re Type A. We transform media from an expense into a smart investment.


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