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Frank Gussoni

The Three Media Plans Every Company Needs Once the Nation Reopens

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

If you’re like me, you have heard just about every opinion and study known to man concerning COVID-19. While some will undoubtedly prove to be correct, the majority will end up being wrong. Let’s face it, very few people are alive from the last major pandemic in 1918 and if they are, they were infants. In other words, there is no definitive playbook for where we stand. We’re all learning as we go, from the politicians to the medical field.

We all have this yearning for clarity and certainty but the truth is, we just aren’t there yet, except there is one prediction I’m going to make and yes I can guarantee you, it will prove to be protectant and correct, if you plan based on these guidelines. I’m not talking about your health, but rather the health of your media plan once the doors to the nation truly begin to open.

Like so many of my clients, there are more questions than answers right now, but they all seem to understand that when things open back up, they better be ready with a really good plan to get right back into the game and not be left behind on the sidelines.

But what does the balance of 2020 look like?

Are you certain?

Will you bet your business on it?

Didn’t think so!

So, to be prepared keep this is the back of your minds as you plan. You better have a plan A; a Plan B and a Plan C “Kill” plan in place.

Anyone worth their salt in the media business must admit we are no better prepared for the uncertainty ahead than anyone else. It’s a crap shoot what the balance of 2020 will look like. But your uncertainty cannot be the demise of your client’s future. This means we’ll have to do more work this year than most years, so we can have our clients positioned for whatever lies ahead. And, that also means based on all the additional research and planning that will be necessary that we’ll all be working for less. Stop complaining, less is better than none!

So, listen up! If your agency isn’t talking to you about all the “what ifs” or “WTF’s”, then you better be looking for a new agency. If your agency acts as if they know exactly where we are heading and has the correct plan for what your company needs, then I would be looking for another agency. If your company isn’t as uncomfortable and uncertain as you, then you better be looking for a new agency.

The truth is fear is a great motivator. The fear of the unknown, the fear of failure. The fear of losing you as a client. If you don’t see this fear and honesty in your agency, then chances are, they aren’t going to work hard enough to have you positioned properly, no matter what happens for the balance of 2020 and beyond.

In my next article, I’ll cover some of the specifics of these three plans.



President & Founder of A3 media.

We’re Type A. We transform media from an expense into a smart investment.

Frank’s Take provides uncommon sense media buying advice for regional and mid-market businesses.

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President & Founder of A3 media. We’re Type A. We transform media from an expense into a smart investment.

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